

The future of compute is blockchain (lecture), Cybersecurity and Privacy (CySeP) Summer School, KTH, Stockholm, June 11.


Zero-knowledge proofs for constructing protocols (Keynote), 3rd ZKProof Workshop, Home Edition, Online, May 4.


The Internet Computer: Privacy Preserving Identities for the New Internet. Cryptovalley Conference on Blockchain Technology, Zug, Switzerland, June 25.

Cryptography in Crypto. Theory and Practise of Blockchain, Aarhus, Denmark, Mai 27.

Cryptography in CryptoThe Swiss Blockchain Winter School, Interlaken, Switzerland, February 12.


Modular Cryptographic Protocol Design (Keynote). Santacrypt 2018, Prague, CZ,  November 29.

Cryptography for Privacy, CWI Lectures of Privacy and Security 2018, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 15.

The Pros and Cons of Blockchain for Privacy (Keynote). WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 19.

Modular Cryptographic Protocol Design (Keynote). ISC 2018, Surrey University, UK, September 11.

How to build privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols (Lecture). EIT Digital, Summer school on Security and Privacy in Digital Live, Trento, Italy, July 3.

The Future of Security & Privacy (Keynote). EIT Digital, Summer school on Security and Privacy in Digital Live, Trento, Italy, July 3.

Identity und Datenschutz in der Blockchain. SRB-Symposium 2018, Blockchain & Cryptowährungen, Zurich, Switzerland, June 12.

Forschungsrichtungen in der IT-Sicherheit. 13. Paderborner Tag der IT-Sicherheit,  Universität Paderborn. March 21.


A Decade of Direct Anonymous Attestation (Keynote). IMA Conference on Cryptography and Coding,  Oxford, UK, December 13.

Directions in Security Research (Keynote). ICETE 2017 and SECRYPT 2017, Madrid, Spain, July 24.

Anonymous Credentials and e-Cash (Lecture). EIT Digital, Summer school on Security and Privacy in Digital Live, Trento, Italy, July 4.

Secure Digital Identities. Techdays Munich, Munich, Germany, June 23.

How to build privacy-protecting cryptographic protocols (Lecture). CySeP Summer School, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, June 21.

Direct Anonymous Attestation – From 2003 to 2017 and Beyond. Mathematical Institute, Cryptography Seminar, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, June 7.

Authentication w/out Identification – Data protection for IoT (Keynote).  IoT Week, Keynote, Geneva, Switzerland, June 6.

Cryptography 4 People (Where we should be heading) (Keynote). IFIP Sec 2017, Rome, Italy, May 29.

Cryptography 4 People (Seminar). Universidad Autónoma de Madrid , Seminar, Madrid, Spain, April 3.

(Un)linkable identifiers for distributed databases (Crypto 4 People – databases) (Seminar). ZISC Lunch Seminar, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, March15.

Direct Anonymous Attestation, Revisited (Invited). CS Dept, KU Leuven, Seminar, Leuven, Belgium, January 10.